Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Feast for the Eyes

Seeing as this is the last week of the month, I've decided to bring in a bit of fun into this otherwise wordy (but interesting, I hope!) blog. Because I often think that blogs are a fairly one sided kind of affair, don't you think? I don't know about you guys, but I get distracted quite easily, and oftentimes when a lengthy paragraph comes to my line of site, I skip it and go do something else. (As you can imagine, studying for exams is a rather horrid torture for this poor soul.)

But one thing that I rarely get bored of, and can stand a longer time with, is looking at pictures. As that old adage goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words." It can provoke dynamic feelings and shock your mind, making you think about something that you otherwise might not have considered at all. That, my fellow readers, is something that artists (and I guess advertisers as well) strive to do in their works.

So that is why I've decided that every month end, I'll post up..lets say...three images that I've come across online, and ask which one YOU thought was the best one, or if not that, then the one that you liked the most, or the most thought provoking. If you want to explain why, please go ahead, I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions of this!!

So without further ado, here are some images for your perusal:

(For clarification this is an ad for a vacuum.)

Tell me what you guys think!


Samantha said...

Although those are all amazing, I have to go with Michael Jackson! I am slightly biased as I adore his music, but I found that image so simple, and yet so striking at the same time.

Katherine said...

My fav has got to be the vacuum one. Very clever!

Cansu said...

I don't get that last one but I totally love the Michael Jackson one as well!!!

Jessie said...

The picture is so symbolic of Michael Jackson! LIKE =)

Karen said...

Aha Cansu, the last one is actually one that I felt made a really big emotional impact for me...if you look really closely, the coral is made of human hands. It's basically talking about how if we let the reefs go extinct, it will have a profound negative effect on humankind, and we may very well end up like the reefs if we ignore it.

I hope that made sense...!