7:45 am.
Tuesday morning.
I'm drowsy, barely awake and I'm driving to my 8:30 finance class. I'm going to be late, the traffic ahead is looming and all I can think about is sleep. I look towards the upcoming traffic lights but my view is obstructed. Peaking in between the bustle of cars, I see golden ears! EARS? I ram the peddle and zoom into the rush of traffic to find 3 Gold Bunny Smart Cars driving in a perfect row. And all of a sudden my brains makes the connection, Gold Bunny= Lindt Chocolate. Just the thought of all that chocolate overwhelms me with a desire to devour a single foil-wrapped Lindor ball. Hmmm...
I learned that the cars were part of a campaign that was originally launched for the Easter holiday market in 2004. Along with mall and in-store appearances, the Gold Bunny Smart Cars were also planned to be featured in Toronto's Easter Day Parade. I honestly don't remember having heard anything of the campaign when it was launched nor seeing the Smart Cars around the city. BUT, I DO HEART THE IDEA! It's a perfect reminder of how much I adore my chocolate. Now used as the official company car, I'm anticipating seeing more of the bunny ears around the GTA. It's a simple idea, but it works: I went out & bought Lindt chocolate that afternoon.
Now that's a good way to start my Tuesday morning!

Tuesday morning.
I'm drowsy, barely awake and I'm driving to my 8:30 finance class. I'm going to be late, the traffic ahead is looming and all I can think about is sleep. I look towards the upcoming traffic lights but my view is obstructed. Peaking in between the bustle of cars, I see golden ears! EARS? I ram the peddle and zoom into the rush of traffic to find 3 Gold Bunny Smart Cars driving in a perfect row. And all of a sudden my brains makes the connection, Gold Bunny= Lindt Chocolate. Just the thought of all that chocolate overwhelms me with a desire to devour a single foil-wrapped Lindor ball. Hmmm...
I learned that the cars were part of a campaign that was originally launched for the Easter holiday market in 2004. Along with mall and in-store appearances, the Gold Bunny Smart Cars were also planned to be featured in Toronto's Easter Day Parade. I honestly don't remember having heard anything of the campaign when it was launched nor seeing the Smart Cars around the city. BUT, I DO HEART THE IDEA! It's a perfect reminder of how much I adore my chocolate. Now used as the official company car, I'm anticipating seeing more of the bunny ears around the GTA. It's a simple idea, but it works: I went out & bought Lindt chocolate that afternoon.
Now that's a good way to start my Tuesday morning!

Definitely looks a lot better and more effective than some other promotional takes on smart cars I've seen in the past!
Makes me want to buy some Lindt chocolate too!
Well said.
I've seen this car more than once but the most recent would have to be this afternoon just before 3:00pm. I was on my way to pick up my 3 teenagers from school, Lincoln High; in Lincoln, California. Does anyone know why it was here today, 1/9/13? The only info I can find is from 2008.
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Teile on pandud pangakeeld ja te ei poolda pankasid või veel parem, kui teil on projekt ja vajate rahastamist, halba krediidivõimet või raha oma arvete tasumiseks, raha ettevõtetesse investeerimiseks.
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