Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Best Super Bowl Ads...Ever?

K, for all you football fans (of which I am not one of, sadly enough), it should come as no surprise that I do a blog post about the ads that always get played during the Super Bowl. I know a bunch of friends who watch the Super Bowl mainly for the commercials and ads, while others just Youtube the notable ones after the game.
Well, I was sifting through this morning and I stumbled across this very interesting poll that they have, that basically ask readers to vote on their favourite Super Bowl ad. For the first round, there are a total of 19 commercials for your viewing pleasure, all ranging from 30 seconds to 1 minute long. Some were very funny, while others went for that dramatic, almost cheesy execution. There was one that was particularly moving (I'm sure you'll know which one I'm talking about once you watch all of them), and there was one that was just plain cheeky.

Which one do you think deserves to be the best Super Bowl ad...ever? Head on over here, and see for yourself!