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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Further details about Marketing YOUniverse
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Sunday, September 25, 2011
The Ever Evolving Facebook
Here's a screenshot of the Facebook Timeline...note the years along the side! |
It’s amazing to see how much social media has integrated into our lives, no? I’m definitely curious to see how marketing companies are going to take advantage of this change in the future!
Timeline is scheduled for release on September 30th for everyone. There IS a method of getting it now (for all you impatient ones, here's a guide), but for me, I think I’ll wait for Facebook to roll it out for me. So what do you guys think? Facebook's best invention yet, or not?
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
SAMMA Summit 2011
- Ann Mukherjee, Chief Marketing Officer, Frito Lay, deemed Woman to Watch on the Future of Marketing by Advertising Age
- Naveen Selvadurai, co-founder, Foursquare
- Sanjay Gupta, Chief Medical Correspondent, CNN, Emmy ® Award winner
- Floyd Cardoz, restauranteur, chef and winner of Bravo Top Chef Masters 2011
- Rishad Tobaccowala, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer, Vivaki/Publicis
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Art & Copy – A Must Watch for Marketers
Let me be the first to say: for those of you who have neither the desire to work in advertising nor interest in the industry, but are interested in studying and pursuing a career in marketing – you need to watch this film, and I’ll get to “why” later on.

WHY do I think that all marketers should watch this film and not just those looking into advertising? Because you work as a brand manager at P&G or as a marketing associate at Pepsi, you will likely have some sort of interaction with your company’s AOR (agency of record) and a hands-on role in the advertising of your product or service. Having spent a summer working in an agency doesn’t make me entirely unbiased, but more often than not, “bad” advertising is the result of a poor client-agency relationship. Plain and simple. A lack of trust, a lack of creative freedom, and poor brand and product strategy will translate into mediocre, craptastic work. (If you disagree, I look forward to your comments below.)
Now, I’m not saying that agencies are completely innocent, there are always a few stinkers – however hilariously terrible they may be. I believe it truly is the client that makes the difference. Something to think about: an agency can create an award-winning campaign, but at the same time produce a terrible failure. It is the client that has the last say as to which idea is chosen, and it is not always the one the agency deems the best.
With that said, all I want you marketers to take away from this is how to approach working with agencies in the future. They may not be the easiest people to deal with, but their job is to be creative, to come up with different ideas and to challenge mental constructions and customer perceptions. Give them the freedom to challenge what has been done, and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
A note about the film: A DVD is available to buy, but if you’re an avid torrenter like myself, it is incredibly easy to find.
About the author: Deven Dionisi
Deven is a 3rd year student, looking to specialize in marketing and strategic management and hopes to run his own agency in the future (or assume leadership of an existing agency – he isn’t too picky). Going on exchange this coming winter in Milan, Deven is looking forward to traveling around Europe and attending the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Blogosphere: Friend or Foe?
Bryan Grey-Yambao (, Tommy Tom (, Garance DorĂ© (, and Scott Schuman ( sit front row at D&G’s Spring/Summer 2012 show equipped with laptops provided by the company.
Manila teen writes blog. Fashion industry takes notice. Gets a Marc Jacobs bag named after him, rubs elbows with fashion industry’s elite, and bags six-figure income in ad revenue.
This may sound far-fetched, but for Bryan Grey-Yambao, better known as Bryanboy, this modern-day fairy tale is the life that has been forged upon him by his popular fashion blog. Now a front-row fixture at fashion week and a good friend of Marc Jacobs himself, Bryanboy attests to the essential role that blogging plays in modern-day communications, entertainment, media, and marketing.

Given their rise in status from merely a form of personal expression to a respected and highly-embraced means of social media, blogs are surely here to stay. However, for the publishing industry which churns out the newspapers, magazines, and trade journals of which blogs are robbing their readers’ time and interest, this has raised concern of late. In an era where yesterday’s news has become like last year’s, blogs offer the instantaneous sharing of ideas which tangible publications cannot. For example, monthly magazines typically begin to materialize 2-4 months before the publication date, highlighting their emphasis on seasonal content, industry trends/issues, and general interest pieces, rather than of-the-minute news which blogs may offer. For personal lifestyle/interest, photo, and video blogs, the instant gratification of having a responsive online community of fellow bloggers acknowledge your talents and opinions is a further testament to blogs’ mounting appeal and staying power.
Personally, I do not think that blogs are a substitute to published material, but rather, they fill a void. Looking around my own room at stacks of unread magazines that I subscribe to and then at the list of my most visited websites, it is clear how my own appetite for fashion and business news is no longer satisfied by glossy pages primarily. Still, I do believe that the quality of content in a magazine is unrivalled by that of any blog, and for that, I will continue to open my mailbox to the bold masthead of the magazines I love. But hey, to each their own. This is a blog post after all.
About the author: Jessica Young
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Forget TV shows; let’s think TV franchises
A problem arises when TV loyalists are empowered to watch their shows outside of the critical primetime premier slots that advertisers pursue for major commercials. For me, my commercial-skipping TIVO does just that. PVRs, Netflix, Apple TV and online pirating have transformed television into an on-demand service. As a result, measurable TV audiences have seen significant declines in recent years. Networks are forced to juggle declines in advertising revenues and audiences who demand high-quality, high-cost shows in exchange for their viewership. Smart television studios know they have to look beyond the small screen if they’re going to successfully mitigate the pitfalls of the $700 billion US television advertising.
Cue the television franchise. I’m not talking about highly successful sitcoms like Friends or Entourage. I’m talking about shows that offer the potential for endless merchandise, sponsorship and licensing deals - a marketer’s dream. Disney’s been pumping these out for years, such as the Hannah Montana franchise which the NY Times estimates drove $1 billion in retail sales in 2008.
Fox’s Glee is the most recent wonder to take the industry by storm. Forget that the musical television comedy has won 4 Emmys, 4 Golden Globes and has drawn 10 million+ viewers ever Tuesday night for the last two years. Glee has sold 21 million digital singles and 9 million albums. It has sponsorship agreements with Chevrolet and exclusive retail partnerships with Macy’s and Claire’s. It spurred 2 international concert tours, a 3D concert movie and unleashed countless brand extensions: clothing lines, video games, nail polish, jewelry, iPod apps, and even Hallmark cards.
Contributing an estimated $500 million to Fox’s top line, Glee has become an indispensible part of the network’s programming. Love it or hate it (and I love it!), the franchise is setting the example for shows old and new. NBC has added Smash, an adult Glee knock-off starring Debra Messing, to its 2012 line-up. Even AMC’s always-classy Mad Men has partnered up with Banana Republic to launch a branded clothing line that’s in stores now.
Going forward, franchises like Glee will not be the exception. The networks realize that they’re no longer producing shows - they’re producing brands. The relished business models of the entertainment industry are being revolutionized by the way we consume media. Hollywood has long understood the value of product placement and merchandising agreements. The music industry is learning from singing super-brands Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga. Inevitably, marketers will play a greater role in the launch of the next big sitcom, movie or superstar.
About the author: Telly Carayannakis
Self-proclaimed Gleek - I've got every Glee album, the Glee Karoake video game and saw the concert tour when they came to Toronto. Going into my 3rd year at Schulich and will be travelling to Paris for an exchange program in January!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
The Not-So-Secret Ingredient to Customer Commitment
About the Writer: Samantha Consiglio
Proudly entering my 2nd year at Schulich and currently working for TD Canada Trust as Customer Service Representative. My inspiration for this post came from my training with TDCT!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Location, Location, Location
Stephen is going into his third year at the Schulich School of Business and is specializing in Marketing and Strategic Management. He’s hoping to get into brand management upon graduating.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Can fast food ever uphold the healthy image?
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Grocery Trollery
Food: an essential element for life.
However, there are many ways that we humans tend to overindulge and get couped up in the marketing schemes that reap us of our hard earned earnings, included those little buggers that cling onto your pants and beg you for candy.
Yep, I'm talking about how kids are primary targets when it comes to food marketing - especially in grocery stores. It seems nowadays, the world has made grocery stores into deceptive cons that haunt your pockets for the extra petty cash which will be then tossed into a vicious loop for the customers.
A study has shown that there are many clever marketing tactics aimed at how people tend to shop and based on these conclusions, it has been observed that there can be many avoided expenses with regards to the grocery receipt.
For example, the most sugary of cereals are usually held on the bottom shelves so that your little rascals are always able to reach and nag for them, while statistically the average consumer in grocery stores is the 5 foot 5 woman, thus proving the value of shelf space.
And so, we need to ask ourselves, is it really necessary to purchase this food item? Or am I only falling into some brilliant marketing scheme?
Please leave your input! I would love to hear your opinion regarding this matter!
When the child doesn't get what they want, things can get pretty messy in the grocery store!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Next Stop: York Marketing Station?
I’ll have to admit, cleaner and upgraded stations do sound convincing (hopefully complete with the installation of air conditioning please!). The deal also opens up many exciting possibilities for creative campaigns and advertisements, such as Volkswagen’s piano steps, IKEA’s display in Paris, 2012’s flooding stations, and Mad Men trains, just to name a few.
As for the down side? I personally disapprove of the TTC selling out, especially for a mere $27 million a year ($324 million ÷ 12 years). Given that the TTC carries approximately 460 million customers per year, I’d think that their reach is more than that. Also, how ridiculous would it be to have stations named “Burger King Station”, “Dairy Queen Station”, or “The Bay Station”? I’m not certain whether renaming stations would bring value to brands, and if anything, those who strongly oppose would have negative feelings towards the brand. On top of that, it would be impractical to change maps, signage, and even automated announcements every time sponsorship changes.
What are your thoughts on this sponsorship?
VW's piano steps:
IKEA's display:
Thursday, July 7, 2011
What are they going to do next?
2011 has widely been seen as a breakout year for the auto industry. In 2008 and 2009, sales fell below 11 million cars, about one-third less than the industry had been making earlier in the decade. Sales in 2010 were better and sales are forecasted to come back even stronger this year. As a result car companies have implemented creative marketing strategies to entice reluctant consumers. For many non-car owners (like myself) or drivers, substantial discounts, gas vouchers and cash backs don’t mean much, but the ads on the other hand, have provided endless entertainment and many “hmmmm” moments in which we wonder “how they did that?” Companies are taking a more creative direction with their ads giving their car a personality/character, pushing the limits of a car’s performance or simply drawing a reaction from the viewer. If anything ads have driven a curiosity from people asking, “what are they going to do next?” Here are some examples:
Hyundai 3D Projection
A great example of the out-of-home advertising companies have been using, it was one of those that drew amazed reactions from viewers everywhere.
Volkswagen - "The Force"
A company that usually never fails to entertain from edible ads, test drive print ads, melting specials and over course “The Force.”
BMW - "Refuel"
In the past few months, they’ve put out some ads that push the user to see beyond its reputation of performance for innovation in technology, connectivity, and fuel efficiency.
Chrysler - “Imported From Detroit”
My favorite car ad out this year, although it doesn’t push and sell a Chrysler car, it brings out a chill and emotional connection reminding people of when the best came from the Motor city.
There are many more that are out there so please share your favorite automotive ads of the year in the comments below.

About the Writer: Angela Chen
Looking at my Facebook/Twitter, I'm a huge foodie (just check my Foursquare). I have a keen interest in advertising and I go to Starbucks very frequently (might be an understatement). I am also a medical/crime show addict, k-pop fanatic and avid reader. My ideal relaxing afternoon would consist of hot yoga, a manicure/pedicure with a friend, coffee and pastries accompanied by a good book.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Agency History 101
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Best Super Bowl Ads...Ever?
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Wilderness Downtown
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Tweet if you want a job!
Ever wondered what your job application would be like in 140 characters? Campbell Mithun, an advertising and marketing firm situated in Minneapolis, announced today that it will hire 13 summer interns this year based on their application of 13 tweets sent during a set period of time next month.
For six summers, the agency has given 10-week paid internships to 13 interns (called Lucky 13) who are in their 3rd or 4th year of university. Up until now, the application has been your generic resume, and other materials following their online guide, all to be submitted through the mail.
Campbell Mithun decided to go the Twitter route to show that it’s thinking about the marketing world through a digital and social media focused perspective.
So what exactly are the requirements for interested applicants? Students are asked to include #L13 in their 13 application tweets, as well as a second hashtag that lists the track they choose. There are 4 departments to choose from: media, creative, copywriter, or technology.
The agency has declined to specify what types of tweets they’re looking for from candidates other than the hashtag rule.
I don’t know about you guys, but I’ll be checking out some of the applications when the time comes just to see how they’re selling themselves. The great thing about these internships is that every year at least one from the Lucky 13 has accepted full-time offers from the agency. This just makes it even more intriguing to see what tweets students will make to get one of the coveted 13 positions.
What do you think about this application process? Do you think more companies will start going down this route during the hiring process in the future?